510 808 333
Canoeing is a fantastic alternative for a boring school trip. Nothing integrates students more than such a trip.
Canoeing trip is not only having fun together but overcoming obstacles, laughing together and experiencing excitement yet together again as well as learning, obtaining new skills and experiences. Students will never have a better opportunity to get to know each other than during performing physical activities. Together with excitement we provide you with safety as well as it is crucial from our perspective. During the trip you will be accompanied by experienced instructors who will offer you advice and support in any situation.
Variety of sections – as far as difficulty and length are concerned – enables finding something suitable for any age group, without limitations corresponding to the experience of the students. Moreover, one cannot forget additional attraction available during a trip – practical lesson of physics. Hydrotechnical systems operating on Pomeranian rivers, especially the stations situated on Słupia, constitute an interesting way of conveying the knowledge. Trips offer the opportunity to visit such places from the „inside” during the break in canoeing or after the trip.